Friday, June 27, 2008

And so it begins again...

Today was my (Joy) first day back to having acupuncture. I had it done about two years ago when we were trying desperately to get pregnant. I believe with my surgery, the acupuncture, and God's timing, I was able to get and stay pregnant with Drew. So, I had the endometriosis surgery again about four months ago and Eric and I decided that I should do the acupuncture as well. All I can say is that God made our bodies so intricate and amazing that I know there is much more to them than just organs (obviously). While I don't buy into all of the eastern medicine ideas, but I am a big believer in this one, at least for my body and its problems. After the needles are inserted and a heat lamp aimed at my tummy, I get to sit in the dark and listen to soft music while I am getting "acupunctured." It is very relaxing and doesn't hurt at all. I usually pray the entire time and this time also ended up falling asleep about half way through (20 minutes into it). I already feel immediate results in regards to my pain that I have constantly. Also, the circulation to my limbs is improved. Crazy!! I also will start on the herbs again, which last time was my least favorite part of the treatment. I had to boil and drink the most disgusting smelling and tasting concoctions ever. But, now they have them in powder form, so I am not as repulsed this go around. One thing that Eric (the acupuncturist) does at the beginning of the first exam is to check my pulse on both wrists in different ways with his fingers. He would ask me questions in regards to trying to get pregnant and the endometriosis, but today he also looked at me and asked if I suffered from insomnia!! Are you kidding me? YES YES YES!! How he knew that from my pulse is just weird to me, but he said that I will see improvement in that area too. I can't wait! Obviously this pic isn't of me, but it is a pic of a woman getting acupuncture done for infertility reasons and to try and get pregnant. I had needles from the top of my head to my toes. Probably about 20-30 all together, so not too bad.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

You are a brave girl! But I'm glad you found something that works for you. I can't imagine going through what you are right now, dealing with pain every day. I'll be praying this next baby will be 100 % healthy all through your pregnancy. We love you guys!