Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Drew's first haircut

So, this past Saturday we took our little doo-doo to get his first hair cut. Eric has been wanting to keep it longer, but it was to the point that it was getting in his eyes, so we decided to take the plunge. Drew did amazing!! Never cried! There is this really neat little hair salon for kids in Temecula, called sharkey's, and they had jeeps, cars, and jets for the babies to sit in while getting their hair cut. We set him in the Hummer, although afterwards, all he wanted to play in was the purple Barbie Jeep! Here are pics of his new big boy haircut!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Joy...how fun. He is sooo adorable. I can't believe how much he looks like the both of you. He looks a lot like Eric but I see you in him too. How freggin cute is he. I love blogging and now I can add you guys to my blog page. Here is our blog. parvinfamily4.blogspot.com ! I really enjoy it. More than facebook actually because I can just go on and write about whatever new is going on with us and send it to whomever I think would care to read about our life. :0) I got hooked. My cousin is a freak about it. She lives in Menifee...aren't you kinda close to there? Anyway...have fun with it. Your page looks great!

HI ERIC!!! : )

Love you guys- Kell