Thursday, June 26, 2008

Del Mar Fair...I mean San Deigo County Fair

Yesterday we took Drew to the ex-Del Mar the San Diego County Fair. It was a beautiful day on the coast and a nice change to what we are used to up in Temecula - pure heat!! We fed the farm animals and looked at all sorts of fun things you think you need to buy. But, for once, we opted to keep our wallets in our pockets and not buy a new dog brush or mop that promises to be the best, but never holds up to that vow. We of course had a very yummy funnel cake, but decided to not try the new deep fried reese's that they were selling this year. Here are some pics of the day...

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Yeah, what's up with them changing the name? It sounds so much better to say Del Mar Fair. I don't think we could have resisted the next new gadget at the fair. Every time we go, we seem to be sucked in! I will say that we still use our food chopper we got a couple years ago!